We provide a range of IBF-accredited corporate governance and regulatory training solutions in Singapore including customised and interactive online courses for all levels of business stakeholders.

Complex business operations and the evolving regulatory space continually challenge the risk framework. Organisations must ensure that there are no gaps in their risk framework and that their operations are effective and agile. Our regulatory compliance training courses increase your employees’ understanding of the legal boundaries within which an organisation operates. The training we provide educates employees on the laws and regulations of Singapore in relation to their industry or specific job function and empowers them within the realm of their job scope.

Our IBF courses and corporate compliance training programmes cover the following topics:

  • MAS regulations and compliance
  • Anti-Money Laundering (“AML”) and Counter Terrorist Financing (“CTF”) 
  • customer due diligence
  • duties of Responsible Officers
  • market misconduct and insider trading
  • roles of different regulators
  • cross border operations
  • tax compliance
  • risk management
  • regulator inspection interviews
  • preparation for regulatory inspection
  • interpretation of policies and procedures
  • regulatory changes
  • gifts and entertainment
  • conflicts of interest.

To learn more about our Singapore compliance training programs, contact our APAC solutions team today.

Compliance FAQs

We have provided these FAQs based on queries received from our clients and prospective clients.

Payment Services Act FAQs

Payment Services Act (PSA) came into effect in Singapore on 28 Jan 2020 and it streamlines payment services regulatory framework under a single piece of legislation. MAS has introduced two parallel regulatory frameworks. The first framework is a designation regime which enables MAS to designate significant payment systems and regulate operators, settlement institutions and participants of these designated payment systems. The second framework is the licensing framework for payment service providers.

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Variable Capital Company FAQs

Singapore introduced an alternative fund framework, Variable Capital Company (VCC), to encourage more funds to be domiciled in Singapore and enhance the jurisdiction’s value as an international fund management centre. The VCC came into operation in Singapore on 14 January 2020 and it allows the set up of collective investment schemes, whether open-end or closed-end. The VCC provides an alternative to Singapore’s existing structures, namely, unit trusts, limited partnerships, limited liability partnerships and companies.

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Fund Management Company FAQs

A Singapore Fund Managment Company is regulated under the Securities and Futures Act (Cap. 289) and to conduct the regulated activity of fund management, the FMC must obtain either a registration or a license from MAS as a Registered Fund Management Company (RFMC), Capital Markets Services License (CMSL) as a Licensed Fund Management Company or a Venture Capital Fund Manager (VCFM) or be expressly exempted from holding a licence.

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